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Choose My Plate

Have you checked out the new government Nutrition Education resources?  Not long ago the USDA changed their nutrition plan from the Food Pyramid to “Choose My Plate”.  The goal is to encourage healthy eating habits across America.  There are tools to track your nutritional progress and loads of educational materials.  Something I found interesting on the site is the 10 Tips Nutrition Education Series.  There have several short educational series to get you started towards your nutritional goals–or help keep you on track.  Pick one that you want to conquer and try following the 10 tips.  You don’t have to do all 10 tips at once, take them one at a time!  I liked the Building a Healthy Meal series, some of these I strive to do already, but I can always improve!

  1. Make Half Your Plate Veggies and Fruits
  2. Add Lean Protein
  3. Include Whole Grains
  4. Don’t Forget the Dairy
  5. Avoid Extra Fat
  6. Take Your Time–Eat Slowly
  7. Use a Smaller Plate
  8. Take Control of Your Food–Eat at Home
  9. Try New Foods
  10. Keep Fruits Safe–Rinse Before Eating

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